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Article Summary 6: Impact of Open Educational Resources

This is a summary of the article "Impact of OER use on teaching and learning: Data from OER Research Hub" written by Robert Farrow; Rebecca Pitt; Beatriz de los Arcos; Leigh-Ann Perryman; Martin Weller; and Patrick Mcandrew.

This article can be read here.

Impact of OER use on teaching and learning: Data from OER research hub

By: Robert Farrow, Rebecca Pitt, Beatriz de los Arcos, Leigh-Ann Perryman, Martin Weller, Patrick McAndrew

  • OER Research Hub: Open educational resources research hub at The Open University in the UK

  • OER are the actual open educational resources available to educators and students

  • Used mixed methods approach to study the impact of OER on learning and teaching

  • Received data results from a cross section of teachers and learners varying in gender, age and informal and non-formal education environments

OER Research Hub studies a number of hypotheses including:

  • Can OER lead to improved student performance

  • Can OER improve retention rates of vulnerable students

  • Can OER cause critical reflection and bettering of practice among educators

  • OER is complimentary to formal education

  • Can OER involvement lead to policy chang?

Based on data obtained in the research study, some of the statistics that had high percentages showed:

  • 79.4% of OER users adapt the resources to fit what they need

  • 79.5% use OER as a source of inspiration

  • 88.4% of students said that they accessed OER because it was free

Key conclusions include:

  • OER indirectly improves student performance

  • OER causes increase in critical reflection by educators

  • Formal students use OER to supplement their work

  • Awareness of OER is increasing

Limitations to the study include

  • Inconsistent methodology

  • Specific context of OER and so not applicable to situations outside of that

  • Qualitative type data was used to supplement quantitative data when needed

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