Tove and Loren Conversationally Reflect on their Co-facilitated Workshop Session
I hold a critical reflection dialogue with Tove about our experience of co-facilitating the Project! Reflect! Connect! Workshop Session on D
Important information about the following blog and its contents.
Welcome Week
Week 1: Welcome Week. Read our introductory letter welcoming you to this mini-course and find out what the next few weeks and blog posts h
Andragogy and Dialogue Education
Week 2: Andragogy and Dialogue Education. This module is an introduction into the ideas and concepts of Malcolm Knowles and Jane Vella. Ge
Transformative Learning Theory
Week 3: Transformative Learning Theory. Learn about Jack Mezirow's Transformative Learning Theory- what it is, why it is important to k
Freire: From Theory to Practice
Week 4: Freire: From Theory to Practice. Learn about the crucial and influential work of Paulo Freire and how his work can and has been con
Week 5: Wrap-Up. Thank you for engaging in the information we have provided! We hope you have learned some introductory concepts and made
Reflection on creating the mini-course of Adult Education for Community Workers
An accounting of work distribution and collective teamwork done to accomplish Assignment 2: Construction of an online mini-course: Adult Edu